National Repertory Season

Founded in 1950, the National Theater of Korea has been a leader in art performances in Korea for 70 years.
'National Repertory Season' is an annual season program presenting innovative new works and best repertoire by national arts groups in theater, traditional drama, dance and orchestra.

The visual concept of the 2019 — 2020 National Repertory Season is ‘dance’. We were inspired by the rhythmic forms, the bold juxtaposition of primary colors and the rich vibrancy that they bring to the canvas, in the works of Henri Matisse. They are like the shapes of flowers and leaves, or like the expressions of powerful bodily movements. This graphic motif gather and scatter freely around the page, and shape the letterforms.
‘Dance’ here does not refer only to dance as a genre of art. I wanted to inspire instinctive and innocent emotions and desires through this theme of ‘dance’, to remind them of the sense of vitality to this theater program, for its 70 year anniversary.

National Repertory Season 2019 — 2020
Design: Jaemin Lee, Hyungwon Cho and Youjeong Lee
Book design: Youjeong Lee

Graphic motif of the National Repertory Season 2018 - 2019 is based on the form of fireworks. Fireworks are the elements making up the original logo of National Theater of Korea and can be the components expressing the festive moods of it.
Also, by connecting lines of the fireworks and utilizing 4 different colors, we make the title into vivid image.

National Repertory Season 2018 — 2019
Design: Jaemin Lee and Hyunsun You
Book design: Hyungwon Cho

National Repertory Season 2017 — 2018
Poster design: Jaemin Lee
Editorial design: Hyungwon Cho, Dawoon Jeon

National Repertory Season 2016 — 2017
Poster design: Jaemin Lee
Editorial design: Dawoon Jeon

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