Seoul Record Fair

Seoul Record Fair is the first domestic sale event to embody record labels, musicians and music fans. Our project was to art direct the visual language and graphics of the entire event, including teaser and main posters, banners, postcards, fliers, web banners, leaflets, signage, etc.
In the United States, as the biggest market in the music industry, vinyl records are still being produced and its market is still growing. Despite the decrease of sales growth in the general music industry, LP market growth continues to increase. Empowered by this situation, three underground record labels in Korea united to bring a new wave in the domestic music market.

The main design challenge was to appeal the new audience while making old fans happy. While maintaining the retro look of the vinyl records, the design output had to be contemporary enough to attract the young audience. As Korean music industry is having a hard time, even considered as being collapsed, another challenge was to manage the project with the extremely low budget. The event brings together many different vendors, and so it was important that the main graphics were strong enough to bring together the individual labels.
Without much twist, we simply used a solid black color of vinyl record as a graphic motif. It also helped us to minimize the cost of production (by using just one black color for printing), eventually killing two birds with one stone.
Seoul Record Fair awarded at 2018 GDFS International Poster Competition and 2015 CORE77 Design Awards in Communication Design, and the yearly progression of the event is resulted in positive public reaction.

9th Seoul Record Fair
Year: October 2019

8th Seoul Record Fair
Year: October 2018

2017 Seoul Record Fair "Side B"
Year: October 2017

7th Seoul Record Fair
Year: June 2017

6th Seoul Record Fair
Year: June 2016

Gwangju Record Fair
Year: September 2016

5th Seoul Record Fair
Year: June 2015

4th Seoul Record Fair
Year: June 2014

1st Seoul Record Fair
Year: October 2011

- Art direction and graphic design: Jaemin Lee
- Character design: Jisung Park
- Souvenir design: Jisung Park and Jaemin Lee
- Photography: Jaemin Lee and Heesun Kim
- Client: Seoul Record Fair Organizing Committee
- Year: October 2011 — Now

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